Monday, July 31, 2006

The sly Fox jumps over the lazy Dog.


Blogger Overrated said...

eh?... what happened?

6:08 PM  
Blogger lauryn said...

quick brown fox?

7:58 PM  
Blogger elisataufik said...

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

damn all you fickle bloggers! penat tau kejar sana sini..

1:38 AM  
Blogger Ingrid Dients said...

I didn't want to mention know, to avoid discrimination etc.

9:40 PM  
Blogger mazezam said...

yeah, wut happened?

11:43 PM  
Blogger MDR said...

alamak whre'd u go pulak?

1:13 AM  
Blogger d0nut said...


1:43 AM  
Blogger bird said...

susah glamer sgt ni..


9:36 AM  
Blogger elisataufik said...

so if i dont get an invite, i should get the message lah kan?

is the fox or the dog yg brown? heh heh..

7:13 AM  
Blogger Ingrid Dients said...

It's the Fox. If YOU don't get an invite kak elisa, it means I've yet to get the new site up. Since I don't enjoy blogging as much as I used to (as when I was anonymous), I'm guessing it'll take some time.

Bird- a rate of 4 visitors per day?

In the meantime:
I just can't help myself!

10:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a reboot!

3:58 AM  
Blogger demonsinme said...


A parting gift for you...


there is a place in the east,
where man once were treated as burden beast,
and tears fertelize another's bliss,
where whiplash would replace a kiss,
live a man with part of his mind amiss,
forgoting the day a kris fought a christ,
remembering the day filled with blessing of a hiss,
loving the sap from a whore tities,
lavishing in lavender confusing tease.

there is a place opposite the west,
where man once laid in unholy rest,
and laughter is known by the screaming laughter of a warrior crest,
and virtues where kept in buried heavy chest,
live a man known least than best,
who wore rags of the players of chess,
and think of thoughts seen to other no more than a mess,
and held high no higher than a slave shoe dress.

there is a place in east and west mid,
where man's heart hid,
not knowing where he would bid,
in a name lost in two creed,
or to take the two composite,
or left it where lost wills writ,
knowing knot why his papa grits.

12:37 PM  

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